Stay Positive Μας λένε οι The Hold Steady στο καινούριο τους άλμπουμ που κυκλοφορεί από τις 15 Ιουλίου.
It started when we were dancin’
It got heavy when we got to the bathroom.
We didn’t go back to her place,
We went to some place where she cat-sits.
She said, “I know I look tired, but everything’s fried, here in Memphis.”
Man, they want to know exactly which bathroom…
Dude, does it make any difference? It can’t be important…
Yeah, sure, I’ll tell my story, again…
In bar-light, she looked all right;
In daylight, she looked desperate
That’s all right, I was desperate, too
I’m getting pretty sick of this interview.
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
I think she drove a new Mustang
I guess it might be a rental
I remember she had satellite radio
I guess she seemed a bit nervous,
Do you think I’m that stupid? Well, what the hell?
I’ll tell the story, again…
In bar-light, she looked all right;
In daylight, she looked desperate
That’s all right, I was desperate, too
I’m getting pretty sick of this interview
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
Subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
I went there on business, subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
I went there on business, subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
I went there on business, subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis
I went there on business, subpoenaed in Texas, sequestered in Memphis

4 σχόλια:
Κάτι παθαίνει ο υπολογιστής μου και δεν μπορώ να δω τα βίντεο του youtube πολλές φορές. Κολλάνε στα 2 δευτερόλεπτα...
Να επανέλθω.
Δε φταίει ο υπολογιστής σου.
Είναι πρόβλημα του flash player.
Δοκίμασε με τον Internet Explorer και όχι το Firefox
Απλα να πω ότι κι εγώ ώρα τα βλέπω με explorer -Δεν τα παίζει ο firefox, eνώ παλιά δεν τα έπαιζε ο explorer και γι αυτο είχα κατεβάσει τον mozilla (άβυσσος η ψυχή του pc)! Με λίγα λόγια πάλι δίκιο έχει ο Sot (καλά, δε σε εκνευρίζεις που είσαι τόσο ξερόλας)?? χε χε
Δόξα τω Θεώ δεν ανήκω σε αυτούς :)
Είναι εκνευριστικοί πολύ οι "ξερόλες"
Συνήθως δε ξέρουν σχεδόν τίποτα.
Όσο περισσότερα ξέρει κάποιος, τόσο καταλαβαίνει πόσο λίγα γνωρίζει πραγματικά.
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