

Πέμπτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2010

Charlie Hall - Let the Earth Awake


Στη χριστιανική οργάνωση  Passion movement ανήκει ο Charlie Hall, που στο πολύ καλό νέο του άλμπουμ The Rising, όπως και στο παρελθόν  έχει σαν κύριο θέμα τη θρησκεία.  
And we are people of Your Name
And we are folding down to pray
To see the world around us change
For the glory of Your Name

Heaven's light is shining bright
Come and open up our eyes,
You are Hope and You are Life,
Let the earth awake
Heaven's Kingdom pouring down,
Your heart beating in us now
Moving in Your power
Let the earth awake

With open hands we seek your face
We walk away from our own ways
Heal our land we ask today
For the glory of Your Name


Whoa oh, whoa oh, whoa oh, whoa oh,


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